Thursday, November 3, 2011

A Tough Week for Everyone

This is turning into a tough week.

Try as I might, careful as I have been, my family is falling into sickness again. Jason was the first victim. He spent the past two days hibernating in the flannel sheets. Not a very fun way to spend a birthday.

This morning I woke up to the sound of Mia coughing and blowing her nose.

And much to my dismay, Maddox is sick too. Those of you close to me know how sad this makes me. Not only is he cranky, but he has to miss his class on Friday. When Maddox gets sick, it is no easy road. His poor little ears and sinuses get so congested and infected and it seems to take him twice as long to get over than everyone else. Everyone is cranky when they're sick, but imagine not being able to communicate and tell mama what you need or want. Maddox's frustration level was through the roof last night. I knew he wanted something, but what? He was only happy when I was singing but having a bit of a sore throat myself, I couldn't keep it up for too long. We finally settled on a nice, long, warm bath. Then the 4 cranky Lincicums went to bed.

It seems to be a theme this week. I read my 2 favorite bloggers most recent posts this morning and they ring all too familiar. Read them here: The Rabbit Hole & In the Cave.

Today we all need an extra touch of Your healing and peace. As mothers our hearts break for our children in sickness and struggles. Help us to ease their sufferings and grant us patience and wisdom. Help us to remember that You love them even more than we do. Let their minds be calm and their bodies have rest.

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