Thursday, May 30, 2013


In the long months we have been working with Maddox and figuring out how his intricate little brain works, one of my looming concerns has been how to teach him about God. My fervent desire and prayer has been for him to understand that Jesus is more than just a drawing in his bible or a word in a song. It is so difficult to teach him the things that are tangible, how do I teach him to believe in something so intangible? How do I introduce him to a person he cannot see?

I’ve continued to pour into him what I can and prayed for God to come and fill in the missing pieces. In his own way, Maddox is coming to know what prayer is. We pray before meals and at bedtime and recently I have started laying hands on and praying over the kids before they go to school. In these instances the prayers are basically the same and I usually kneel down before him and look him in the eye while I pray and he will say “amen” when I am finished.
A lot of Maddox’s speech is echolalic, meaning that it is scripted or copied words and phrases. Much of the time he will copy what is said without having an understanding of what it means. He is simply echoing what he hears. I have always felt that his “amen” has been a scripted response until last night.

Jason and I have recently started an evening devotion time with Mia. Maddox was seemingly oblivious to what we were doing and was running around the living room playing while we talked. When we finished our story, we moved on to prayer. Mia first, Jason next and finally, myself. With my head bowed and eyes closed, I had not noticed Maddox had silently come to stand next to me while I prayed until I felt his little hand on my arm and heard his little voice whisper “amen”. My head shot up and I met his gaze and he smiled and started jumping up and down saying “amen” over and over and over.
He knew I was praying! And he wanted me to know that he understood what we were doing! In a totally different situation and with different words than what he was used to hearing, he understood and recognized that his mama was praying!!!  Thank you God for answering the prayers dear to a mother’s heart. I see the missing pieces starting to fall into place.

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